A random collection of accessibility-focused tools that you might find at least partially useful

"Keep Me Logged in" Bookmarklet Generator

Auditing a website that has an aggresive time-out? Keep finding that you have missed the 'Stay logged in?' dialog and have to log in again and again and again? This tool lets you quickly create a custom bookmarklet that you can run which will stop that happening.

How it works
Stay logged in details (Both fields required)
For example: `.btn-primary.stillHere`. Tip: right-click on the button, Inspect, then right-click on the node shown in Dev Tools and choose Copy > Selector

Some music news ...

Oh yeah, I also put together an album of electronica/synthy stuff that you might like. Equally, you might hate it, but you can give it a quick preview here to make your mind up:

Available on Apple Music/Spotify now.

Also available here: