"Keep Me Logged in" Bookmarklet Generator
Auditing a website that has an aggresive time-out? Keep finding that you have missed the 'Stay logged in?' dialog and have to log in again and again and again? This tool lets you quickly create a custom bookmarklet that you can run which will stop that happening.
How it works
- Enter a valid CSS selector that targets the control that you press to stay logged in (typically this is a button in a dialog, and usually you have a short space of time to activate it)
- Enter a site name (this will be used to clearly identify your bookmarklet)
- Generate the bookmarklet then drag it to your favorites/bookmarks
- Then run the bookmarklet and it will check the page every 5 seconds for the presence of a 'stay logged in' button
- As soon as that dialog/button shows it, it will be clicked within 5 seconds, so your session will never time out