A random collection of accessibility-focused tools that you might find at least partially useful


I used to be a reasonably active speaker back in the early 2000s (spoke at various industry events as well as big tech conferences such as SXSW (Austin, TX) and @Media (London). I took a long break from speaking (family commitments and, to some extent, feeling a bit of burn out from saying the same things and not seeing much change).

This year (2023, as I write this), I decided it was time to get back involved in events. I am keen to speak at more events going forward. For now, though, the list of speaking engagements is on the small side, but hopefully I will be adding to this soon.

Some music news ...

Oh yeah, I also put together an album of electronica/synthy stuff that you might like. Equally, you might hate it, but you can give it a quick preview here to make your mind up:

Available on Apple Music/Spotify now.

Also available here: